When travelling as an agent on agent rates or any hotels booked through staff travel voyage, you will need some form of ID. You can request this as an active Inteletravel Agent by contacting on live chat or emailing customer service (customerservice@inteletravel.com).
Email Template
Email: customerservice@inteletravel.com
Subject: Letting of Travel Agency Verification
“Good morning/afternoon
My name is (insert name) Agent ID (insert ID)
Please would you assist me with a form of Identification as I have some agent rate hotel stays coming up, I’ve been advised to contact you for a headed email confirming me as an agent and our agency IATA number.
Many thanks in advance.
(Insert name)”
Inteletravel will send a headed document by email which you can print with your name and agency details. You should receive the verification within 48 hours. But to be on the safe side, email the customer service at least 2 weeks before your trip! This verification is usually valid for a year but to be on the safe side, the UK ambassador has advised to request this every time you book a holiday for yourself unless you are booking 3 holidays for the same month then you wouldn't need to.